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Cenacle Leadership Group (Cenacle) offers strategic engagements in support of the professional, as well as personal development for all your staff.  Cenacle is your critical partner supporting your schools delivery of a quality education experience.


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:

Intentional DEsIgn: Equity Action Plan

Equity-Based Evaluation

Hiring for Diversity and Cultural Competency



Improved School Scores - Teacher Coaching

Early in Career Teacher Trainings

Train the Trainer


​​Cenacle provides innovative solutions through impactful professional engagements such as Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI), School Leadership all aimed at improving culture and scores.  


Engagement Types:

Series and Cohort

Customized Virtual and In-Person

In-Service Workshops (4 and 8 hour)

Spring Break Institute

Saturday Academy

Summer Reflective

Train the Trainer - Facilitating Difficult Conversations

Our strategic engagements are led by Managing Director Mikael Yisrael. As a graduate of Cornell and Drexel Universities he brings a depth of knowledge in this space. As an experienced educator and DEIJB thought-leader and practitioner, Mikael has focused his vocation on the intersection of society, health, family, and policy impact in education. In fact, he believes it is imperative to be cognizant of all cross-sectional factors that may influence a student’s educational environment and overall experience. Mikael’s dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion work is his response to the call for justice


Head of School Testimonial - "Mikael’s work with our faculty was inspiring. He had the ability to connect with our staff in a way that other workshop facilitators have not. I attribute this to his expertise and his ability to meet people where they are and make them feel comfortable. Through the lens of critical consciousness, Mikael was able to guide us in examining our own biases and develop a deeper understanding of our school culture. We continue to use what we learned from our workshop and hope to work with Mikael again in the future."

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An Equal Opportunity Employer Disability/Veterans/Minority/Female

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